
By Sindy Quiñónez

For me, Bible Quiz is a great blessing because I learned to have a closer relationship with my parents, and they have helped me trust more in the Lord as my Good Shepherd.

I thank God because He gave me the grace to study and memorize all the questions.

Daniela Cruz

Bible Quiz has been a great blessing, because I have learned about God, that He loves me and is my Savior. When I received the questions and saw that there were 565, I could only say: “565! I won’t even learn 100!” But the Lord gave me a victory in the first league meet. I won second place as an individual, and in my heart, I praised God, because He gave me the victory. I know that it was not by my own ability.”

Amy Baires

Studying the first ten chapters of John drew me closer to the Lord. Before Bible Quiz, I would become distracted in my prayers and I could not seek His presence. I felt like there was an emptiness in my heart. But when I began to study in Bible Quiz, little by little, I could seek and feel the Lord’s presence without being distracted in my prayers. My memorization of John chapters 1 through 10 filled the emptiness in my heart, and helped me trust in the Lord more.

Jocelyn Cruz

We learned ten chapters from John; and even though it is very little compared to the whole Bible, there are many hidden treasures there and as we seek for them, we draw closer to God. We also learned to have the right attitude whether we win or lose. I also learned that when we fill ourselves with God’s word, we are more open to hearing the Lord and what He wants to sow in our hearts.

Mercy Quiñónez

I learned to trust in the Lord; memorizing 476 verses is something that we cannot do if we do not trust in Him. I have learned to set time aside to study God’s Word, because I had to spend one or two hours a day studying the verses.

Isaac Ortiz

I like Bible Quiz because we learn more about the Lord; we have learned that God is good and wonderful. And if we don’t win anything in the competition, we have won the best: God’s love.

Cristian Baires

When I began to study the book of John, I said to myself: Why are we going to learn the book of John? Out of all the books of the Bible, why did it have to be John?

But now I can see how it has helped us. When we had just been studying for three months, our family had a serious problem, and through the Word of God in the book of John, I learned that we are not alone, that God is always with us. One verse that really blessed me was one found in chapter 10 that reminds us that the Lord is the Good Shepherd who gives His live for His sheep. I could understand that he will never leave us if we trust in Him, and that He will always be with us.

I also learned that Bible Quiz is not just about winning a competition, but also about having fellowship with other brothers. One of the words that affected me was what Pastor Jerry said in the first league meet: “What will happen if we win the competition, but we lose a friend? We would win a medal, but the Lord’s presence would no longer be with us.”

Jonathan Ortiz

Memorizing John helps us to organize our time. Bible Quiz helps us to be closer to the Lord and is a great blessing. We learned in John that the purpose of the problems that the Lord had when he was found in fashion as a man, was for His Father to be glorified, as it says in John 9:3. Now we know that all the problems that He gives us are to bless us. What a blessing to know that!

Samuel Trejo

Bible Quiz has been a big blessing for me, because I learned about humility. In the first league meet, the Lord gave me a victory, and I don’t remember having felt pride before, but I could see that for the first time, I was very prideful. Studying John helped me understand the importance of humility.

Benjamin Falcones

We have seen that Bible Quiz is a blessing. Through it, our minds and hearts have been being washed through the constant repetition of the Scriptures. Through this I have been able to see that the gospel in itself, the Life of Christ, is the power of God. I have seen the blessing of God in my life and in the lives of those with whom I have had the opportunity to closely fellowship. The Lord has had mercy and has given us not only the Word, but His life through the word.