Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.
- Psalms 119:11
Vision and Purpose
The truth is that far from keeping God’s precepts, many Christians have completely lost the awareness of what they are.
Bible Quiz and Hebron Ministries
Hebron Ministries started with the Bible Quiz program in 2010, and it has become one of the greatest blessings in our churches.

What would you reply if someone would ask you what the best experience of your life has been?
It is doubtful that many would respond: “Memorizing the Bible.”
This is something that God has been doing in Hebron Ministries through Bible Quiz competitions.
Interested in Bible Quiz even more!
Click on any category below to know the rules and requirements for officials, coaches, and quizzers.
The Adult Bible Quiz category (ABQ) is made up of quizzers ages 18 and older. Participants compete with the memorization of an assigned portion of the Bible.
The English Adult Bible Quiz category (EABQ) is made up of quizzers ages 18 and older. Participants compete on an assigned portion of the Bible, which they must completely memorize in less than a year.
The Teen Bible Quiz category (TBQ) is made up of quizzers who are single, ages 12 and older. Participants compete with the memorization of an assigned portion of the Bible.
The category of Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ) is made up of quizzers ages 6 to 12. Depending on each quizzer’s age and level of maturity, they will memorize questions and answers from different Bible stories and topics, and different verses and passages from the Bible.

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