About Us
Our Beginning in Guatemala
At our international headquarters, located in Guatemala, in Central America, we also have a local church called Hebron.
The history of this church goes back to 1977, when Pastor Marvin Byers received an invitation to minister in Guatemala City for a few days. Pastor Byers was a minister ordained by Elim Fellowship, located in Lima, New York, to which he was connected because of his love and respect for Brother I.Q. Spencer—founder of Eli Bible Institute—and was part of the fellowship of the Elim churches.
Pastor Byers had the privilege of receiving the deep influence of Brother Spencer during his years of studying in Elim Bible Institute (1966–1969), and also during several visits that he made to Brother Spencer’s home, where he had the privilege of spending time personally with him. Brother Spencer had powerful encounters with the Lord during the visitations of the Holy Spirit poured upon many people at the beginning of the 20th century. His vision was for the entire Body of Christ, and not for initiating another denomination. Later, that vision would be key in the way in which Hebron Ministries would be founded and would function.
In 1977, during Pastor Marvin Byers’s visit to Guatemala, the Lord called him to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people who were hungry for God in Guatemala and Latin America. This call was confirmed through a series of signs and miracles and, later, by a vision in which he was able to see the work that the Lord would do in Guatemala.
In this vision, God revealed to him part of the church of Christ’s future in Guatemala—the Lord would visit this country in such a great way that the nations of the world would be moved when they heard how God’s presence rested upon His people, and of His manifestation with great works over it.
Christ would abundantly pour out peace and truth upon His people and the churches would experience a powerful visitation from the Lord. The fire and glory of God would be seen in a literal way upon His people, as occurred in the life of Moses after he spent 40 days and 40 nights in God’s presence. This visitation would be so glorious that multitudes would know that there is still a God who walks among His people. Then, every sincere and honest heart that heard about this visitation would be drawn to the Lord Jesus Christ.

After having seen these things in that vision, the Lord gave Pastor Marvin a Scripture that confirmed each detail. This is found in Jeremiah 33. But, why this Scripture?
Obviously, this chapter is a revelation of the Lord’s glory manifested to His people, Israel. Nevertheless, part of the reason that God may have taken this portion of Scriptures may be related to the important role Guatemala played in 1947, when the UN Resolution was issued in which the nation of Israel was allowed a rebirth.
That is why we all need to prepare ourselves in the knowledge of God and His Word. So that we can thus be faithful channels of God’s Word that will burn in the hearts of the multitudes.